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Chang Clan's Abode in Dashe

Chang Clan's Abode is located at the back of Dashe Village and Houdian settlements and next to the Chang Clan's Public Hall. The Abode is the district's only remaining and functional Minnan-style Sanheyuan (open courtyard abode) with over a century of his- tory, and one of the few cultural assets of Dashe area. The Chang Shan-chi, the grandfa- ther of Chang Chia-jui, constructed the old abode in 1921 (10th year of Emperor Tai- sho). The pillars and beams were wholly connected by mortises and tenons to construct perfectly matching and smooth flat surfaces. The owner's name, Shan-chi, was used to compose a poem that was carved into the wooden pillars in gold lettering. Simple win- dows were also decorated with various patterns. The end result melds diverse aesthetic displays with traditional architectural elements during the early Republican era. Natural coloration of the brick tiles and limestone materials, intricate carvings on the pillar and stone pedestals, traditional indoor layout, and classical bamboo furnishing together help create a distinctive Chinese Minnan display.