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Buffalo's Villa in Dajhou

The Buffalo's Villa started as a simple wish from Mr. Su to provide the last old water buffalo in the community with a new retirement home. The Tree Valley Foundation provided the necessary support, using driftwood, woolly grass, recycled bricks, stone, and limestone to construct a special villa, as described by Mr. Su that took 8 months to complete. An unused plot of land in Dajhou community was thus transformed into a new home in which the old water buffalo can spend his final years in peace. This act al- so compelled the ageing village into creating a new landmark that also served as a gath- ering point for community recreation.
Currently, only the buffalo's home has remained. The villa is furnished with a rocket furnace, rainwater collection and recycling device, environmentally friendly bathrooms that does not need flushing, passion fruit racks, and swings under the shade. The villa is the perfect place for outdoors education and recreation.