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Sanshe Coconut Tree Scenic Footpath

The Sanshe Coconut Tree Scenic Footpath is located at the north-central region of Sinshih District. The community is currently divided into the two settlements of Nansanshe (Yeshujiao, or foot of the coconut tree) and Beisanshe (Sanzi Jhuang). The region used to be part of the Siraya settlement of Singangshe. When Han Chinese started migrating into the area during the reign of the Cing Emperor Cianlong, the region was thus called Yeshujiao.
Traditional rustic streets and alleys of Sanshe Village form a stark contrast with the neighboring Tainan Science Park, which can be seen from Taiwan Expressway 19. In addition to traditional abodes, wells, romantic lampposts, and the poetic Yuhua Bridge with verdant trees providing shade, the north-south railway line with its roaring trains rushing down the tracks have also become an integral part of Yeshujiao.
A scenic footpath constructed next to the TRA railway drainage channel is also extreme- ly suitable for a family bicycle ride. During autumn and spring, brilliantly colored blossoms of sunflowers, golden cosmos, daisies, zinnias, and yellow cosmos would bloom, creating a sea of color where visitors can take casual strolls.